Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

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Suzuki Rg150r Part Catalog Suzuki Rg150r Part Catalog yamaha_boy24


Film biker Indonesia ini cukup menghibur, disponsori Suzuki juga tapi banyak orang yang membandingkan dengan "Tarix Jabrix" yah memang kurang sekeren dan se-ngeboom itu tapi cukup menggambarkan realisme kehidupan bikers Indonesia, kecuali Pepi ntu kyna belum ada yang ky gt de ladybiker Indonesia ,mungkinkah ada ? kalo kenal yang kaya gt post disini ya !

Photo Collection

Mr. Jean Pierre Goy world top stuntrider [James Bond and Dark Knight] and Mr. Aries from Motorplus magazine ,the number one motorcycle magz in Indonesia

Close Encounter with TZ125

Ha ha
this is my picture with TZ125 which anyway born in same year with me
anyone have information with the bike history and specification

My First Manga

I use Tourist Trophy and GT4 photomode, then edit in photoshop+coreldraw
i'm sorry about the miss arrangement

But try to enjoy it bro !!!

thanks for : polyphony for make GT4 and Tourist Trophy ,great job !!!

The Legendary And The Luvly Ones

long time ago in the country that far far away
there is one boy who lookin' for a motorcycle he wants the other model but his path of life cross with this one, it was his destiny to ride this one, time scrollin' and he found it fun to ride with and start to love it....

[what a silly opening isn't ?? my friend sent me that ;smells Starwars and movies]

after all this is the real story :

The Yamaha F1ZR is always be my special one, my luvly one for sure maybe there is new-er , fancy-er bike but it will be always the one, it teach me a lot of things, from how to ride properly both fast and slow, teach me about how become a good biker in the road, it teach me alot about two-strokes and engines as well...

Upthere is mostly my F1ZR picture exept "sure it isnot my MC is the brochure and the F1Z that ride with Wayne Rainey in Shah Alam GP in 1990/1 ,thanks i got the picture from Mr Sameer Kumar sites and link it "
There is also picture between time-and time of "Spirit of Revolution" that the concept of modification of the bike...
any way my bike itself is one year "grounded" now and i planed to Resurrect it again before June 2009 , hope the best for it and i'll upload about it later
Any way i still love this one...


Atas permintaan dari bro Menadion Nasser Tamtama
ini brosur saya upload :
enjoy it bro hope da best for all [click for larger image]

Kalo- kalo ada brother yang punya brosur tolong kirim ke saya juga ya saling melengkapi
email : yamaha_boy24@yahoo.com


This brochure of Yamaha F1ZR is provided for all brother and rider in the world
but especialy for bro Menadion , you light up my dream once more ,